But she said officials were "quite slow" to publish rules needed to carry out laws opposed by the Administration.
Agencies, after considering these comments, publish final rules.
The Government could then revise the criteria and publish final rules that carry the force of law.
In 1746 he published rules and advice for five games, and the idea has been copied at frequent intervals ever since.
This is why the federal government recently published rules allowing hospitals and others to donate electronic health records to doctors.
But note in the meantime that published rules don't always help you.
Wells, a pacifist, was the first to publish detailed rules for playing war games with toy soldiers.
Many of them publish rules for the game.
New York State, for example, published rules this week affecting about 7,400 major companies in the metropolitan area in the next few years.
HeroClix has published modified rules for the use of the team bases.