Palmer and Hoover both published press releases and circulated anti-Communist propaganda.
GA publishes press releases and articles on its national website.
CBR also publishes press releases and conducts seminars condemning abortion and advocating for disabled and elderly rights.
For years, local news stations, as part of their newscasts, have broadcast videos created by drug companies' public relations agencies - a practice that critics equate to publishing unedited press releases.
They can publish mean-spirited books and press releases.
Stay up to date with my most recently published press releases.
Through the Internet, BLS provides free, easy, and continuous access to almost all published CPI data and press releases.
In addition, the department is responsible for publishing English press releases, presentations, documents, instant messages and other data for the Israeli Ministry of Finance's English readers.
The paper soon became a mouthpiece for the government, publishing official statements and press releases, while being instructed to become an "instrument in nation building."
LiveMango is an online press release distribution service in India that was set up to publish and promote press releases and company news.