He continued until his death to publish illustrations and drawings in the newspapers and magazines of Colombia.
The magazine publishes original short stories, poems, nonfiction articles, activities, games and illustrations from world famous authors.
The Insurgent had received national attention after publishing controversial illustrations of Jesus Christ.
These magazines published cartoons and illustrations for educational and propagandistic purposes.
They also published illustrations for some of the world-famous stories like Gulliver's Travels, though these are very rare to find these days.
Alexander von Humboldt published illustrations and a description of Xochicalco in 1810.
La Silhouette was the first French newspaper to regularly publish prints and illustrations, giving them equal or greater importance than the written text.
He also published illustrations from the war in various Western European illustrated periodicals.
He published illustrations of these fairs in popular magazines of the day.
He has published various comic strips and illustrations in newspapers, magazines and books.