It refers to a website that publishes entries in reverse chronological order and that usually allows readers to comment on each entry.
Erin is an accomplished writer and essayist having published book chapters, journal articles, policy papers, and entries in reference books.
In 2000 United Airlines assumed sponsorship of the contest, publishing winning entries in their in-flight and online Hemispheres Magazine.
X-purse WMX - Stored property rights to publish entries in the distributed database of the network.
Unlike the typical blog, which publishes quick, sometimes stream of consciousness entries, the Fireplace publishes entries that resemble shorter versions of law review comments and include citations on recent developments in government law and policy.
In its 14 editions, the Britannica published classic entries: Swinburne on Keats, John Muir on Yosemite, Freud on psychoanalysis, Houdini on conjuring, Einstein on space-time.
Authors must not publish entries to other websites in video format.
Online newspaper MinnPost publishes entries from MNopedia on a weekly basis as well as publishing bimonthly news articles that are later developed into entries for MNopedia.
Newspapers sometimes also publish new entries, although since 2009, entries to newspapers are no longer mandatory.
Davis used an obscure municipal law that made it illegal to publish horse-racing entries and results in a general circulation newspaper.