Hammersmith Press is a London publishing house that publishes books and e-books on human health with an emphasis on nutrition and diet.
Bentham publishes more than 116 subscription-based academic journals and over 230 open access journals and e-books.
He has also published e-books on this topic.
That may explain why the company has no plans to publish original e-books solely in electronic form.
C & M Online is founded in Raleigh, North Carolina and publishes e-books through its imprint, Boson Books.
Big publishing houses argue that clauses like "in book form" or phrases that prohibit "competitive editions" preclude authors from publishing e-books through other parties.
Penguin Books, use Viking Press to publish various e-books.
Should the Times publish e-books?
In July 2010, Wylie launched a new business, Odyssey Editions, to publish e-books.
The company publishes e-books and paperbacks; it also features a limited number of titles from The New South Company.