In 1969 Heinrich Heesch published a method for solving the problem using computers.
In 1950 Edman had published a method that allowed the order of amino acids in a protein to be determined.
In 1956, Gordon along with Eli Shapiro, published a method for valuing a stock or business, now known as Gordon growth model.
He published a three-volume method for the organ for which he also wrote about 350 pieces.
In 2002, he published a new method for eavesdropping CRT screens.
A large multinational team of researchers has just published a new method for making these measurements in Nature.
April 19 - An international research team publishes a new method to produce belts of graphene, called nanoribbons.
In 1810, he published A new method of conveying letters and goods with great certainty and rapidity by air, but did not patent the idea.
Friedrich Kasiski was the first to publish a general method of deciphering a Vigenère cipher.
In 1935 he published a method to determine trace amounts of water in samples.