He returned to England probably in late 1611 and published a compilation of the colonial laws put in place by the governors.
In 1935, their son René published a compilation of letters from Dunant to his father.
He also published books on music theory and a compilation of plainsong chants.
Fjordman published a compilation of his articles in print via lulu.com in November 2008.
Every year the French music station publishes a compilation of the best songs of the year.
Schmid managed to raise £2,500 by publishing a compilation of Pestalozzi's works.
Swanson and Mancini published such a compilation in 1996 to compare election campaign styles of eleven countries.
On Dec. 12, 1990, his office published a compilation of sensitive items as a prototype for an international guide.
Penthouse published a compilation of the strip in a book in 1975.
In April 2010, he published a compilation of stories about his taxi driving.