An academic journal specializing in this field is the Turkish Studies Association Journal published by the Turkish Studies Association, an international learned society with the aim of furthering the field of Turkish studies.
Strauss co-authored a book, The Practical Brewer, published by the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.
Published with the New York State Historical Association, this book organizes a history of the state by subjects like politics, economics and culture.
"Literature," in The Handbook of Texas Online, published by the Texas State Historical Association.
She has published several short story collections and is a member of the Chinese Writers Association.
The Canadian Electrical Code, CE code, or CSA C22.1 is a standard published by the Canadian Standards Association pertaining to the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment in Canada.
Published by The Private Libraries Association, 1999.
Published by the John Whitmer Historical Association.
It is published Canadian Association of African Studies.
Published by the Texas State Historical Association.