In this case, the student chose to publicly ridicule the teacher by producing an offensive web site about him.
Military commanders publicly ridicule their President and refuse to carry out orders.
Applications deemed particularly bad are publicly ridiculed in the Weak of the Week section.
He once challenged Frasier to a fistfight after the doctor publicly ridiculed him on his radio show.
Critics of the film publicly ridiculed Myers' ejection as a public relations blunder.
In response, Schill publicly ridiculed the party's executive board, stating that he could just as well have been removed from office by his haircutter.
Al publicly ridicules Jimmy, who responds in kind.
Ms. Pelosi and those who accompanied her on this ill-conceived visit should be ridiculed publicly for their behavior.
"One's right to be a police officer or firefighter who publicly ridicules those he is commissioned to protect and serve is far from absolute."
The filmmakers were publicly ridiculed by the head of the Swedish Film Institute on national television.