I do not want my son to be reprimanded publicly.
For that matter, none had even been publicly reprimanded.
At one point in his college career he was publicly reprimanded for missing chapel on 22 occasions.
Such offenders shall be publicly reprimanded by a judge.
In 1264 he publicly reprimanded his own officers for executing two Song generals without trial or investigation.
In February it publicly reprimanded the insurer for failing to be tough enough with its agents.
In fact, he said, he publicly reprimanded both professors and was cheered for doing so by the faculty senate.
Indeed, since the system began operating in 1981, only three judges have been reprimanded publicly, and even then, the rulings were generally unilluminating.
Katz did not publicly reprimand Wyatt for these remarks, and kept him as a member of the municipal cabinet.
Lightman ordered that Kruger be publicly reprimanded on two counts.