Publicly rebuked, Wells turned his season around, if not his philosophy.
The employer publicly rebuked him, and gave him a final written warning.
These women were ostracised, accused of being prostitutes and publicly rebuked on the streets.
It is very likely that the subordinate you publicly rebuked for reading his newspaper will:
Last July, they publicly rebuked the bank for failing to comply with anti-money-laundering standards.
And in an extraordinary step, many Republicans, who had only months earlier championed him, publicly rebuked him.
Many Jewish groups expressed anger and disappointment that the pope did not publicly rebuke his host for the remarks.
Priests, who are normally loath to publicly rebuke their bishops, had become defiant.
Byrd often publicly rebuked her when she acted upon this desire, undermining her authority.
Serious crime is rare and there are no prisons - offenders are publicly rebuked, fined or made to work.