Her preaching was not limited to the monasteries; she preached publicly in 1160 in Germany.
During Lent, the priest should publicly preach the Creed.
The enforcement of the Act of Uniformity 1662 obliged him to desist from preaching publicly.
Between 1659 and 1661, five Quakers, all of whom had returned to Boston to continue preaching publicly, were hanged.
Oliver Cowdery preaches publicly for the first time as an official representative of the newly formed church.
Don't you see that if his own son publicly preaches against his policies, he would be hopelessly undermined?
He began to preach publicly on the need for the translation of the Bible into English.
But, months later, Lyman began publicly preaching the substance of his 1862 Dundee speech.
His biographer refers to him as their "spiritual leader", though he notes that Raymond refused to contravene canon law by preaching publicly.
As Raleigh slipped into view, he mused that he would be preaching publicly where his father had 20 years before.