The evening ends up with Garner's getting drunk and publicly humiliating Roger Sterling.
But publicly humiliating anyone for consensual adultery is draconian, and wrong.
They decided they couldn't do much about the rape, but they dealt with the wife beating by publicly humiliating and parading the culprits!
Shame on her for requiring - gasp - some time alone during a publicly humiliating divorce.
More often, sadistic individuals express aggressive social behaviors and enjoy publicly humiliating others in order to achieve a sense of power over them.
It details incidents of his wild drug use and his publicly humiliating book tours to promote Glamorama.
In the book, Perkins decides to seek revenge by publicly humiliating Foxley.
Frank gets revenge for Zoe by publicly humiliating Ken.
Frankly, if he'd been there, the jerk might've suffered more than a wrenched shoulder and a publicly humiliating dunking into a goldfish pond.
The patriarch took joy in publicly humiliating family and colleagues and was said to hold the credo: "Cheat, steal, lie, but win."