After that, Mr. Nussbaum failed to find out that the next choice for the job, Judge Kimba M. Wood, had a similar problem before her name was publicly floated.
Indeed, Dr. Satcher's name was publicly floated for the job of Surgeon General months ago, allowing plenty of time for any opposition that might have existed to surface.
The Queensland Government will initially retain a 25 to 40 per cent shareholding in the publicly floated company, with Queensland residents given preference in purchasing the remaining shares.
Initially, Gosford Communications owned 60% of the station, the other 40% was publicly floated; with shares offered to the local community and employees.
The company was publicly floated in 1998, and established the now renowned website.
The White House is neither a seminar nor talk show, not a place where new ideas can be publicly floated, chewed over and then, perhaps, discarded.
Now that it is organized as a corporation, Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor will be publicly floated in stages, beginning with an initial public offering in 2005.
Stephen's company was publicly floated in 1972 and closed in 1975, when the archive was donated to the Victoria & Albert Museum.
The idea was floated publicly.
A big Letterman fan, Carvey rejected the offer, causing embarrassment for the network, which had publicly floated his name.