On 11 October 1870 he was publicly entertained in Glasgow, and presented with his portrait.
In 1871 and 1872 he was re-elected mayor of Bradford, and in October 1873 was publicly entertained and a presentation of plate made to him in recognition of his services.
Prior to that election she had publicly entertained the idea of entering the presidential primaries as the only woman in the field- Her short-lived quest came to grief on the shoals of political and financial reality, but not before her name and face had been splashed coast to coast by the media.
Prior to that election she had publicly entertained the idea of entering the presidential primaries as the only woman in the field.
Although he had publicly entertained the notion of running for mayor himself not long ago, he announced in January that he would not run for re-election to the Assembly this year, in order to devote more time to the labor movement.
Riffle quickly through the latest crop of European fashion magazines and you find dozens of references to ideas about desire that photographers like Mr. Newton first publicly entertained more than three decades ago.
It also marks the first time since the walkout that the union has publicly entertained an offer from the airline.
And, with the notable exception of AT&T, no other major US ISP has publicly entertained the idea of filtering traffic.