A number of African countries publicly discredited UNITA for its links with the apartheid regime, the CIA and white mercenaries.
It is unfortunate that several former members who willingly left our organization should feel compelled to publicly discredit it with distortions and fallacies.
Thurston and Lee made false statements about McLoughlin before the United States Supreme Court in an effort to publicly discredit him.
The Shaffran that appeared with Nasty Boys was a disguised Mister Sinister who had taken the Senator's form in order to publicly discredit him as a mutant terrorist.
He rescues his friends from imprisonment on the Argent Oil Platform, a move that fits into Destro's plans to publicly discredit 'Action Force'.
He had become an embarrassment to the army, but his record of service during the War of Independence made it awkward to publicly discredit him or discharge him.
While the government has attempted to publicly discredit the main opposition leaders, and both Karimli and Gambar have been summoned for questioning, neither has yet been arrested.
He remained deeply suspicious of Dawson for many years to come, though he never sought to publicly discredit him.
And some Iran experts say the financial assistance would tend to publicly discredit the recipients.
What is happening here is nothing more than a transparent attempt to discredit and publicly shame those countries, states and governments in Latin America which are trying to introduce more social policies.