Crowley described the band's sound as "a gorgeous slice of Bucks' beat" and continued to publicly champion the band until their breakup.
Presumably, this isn't true, but the agency should have used its own 1992 decision against Nynex to publicly champion a swift rule-making procedure to encourage new digital services.
He is best known for publicly championing a terminal patient's right to die via physician-assisted suicide; he claimed to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end.
In the 1980s, Selby met the punk rock singer Henry Rollins, who had long admired the writer's works and publicly championed them.
Syria has long held a position of publicly championing Arab independence and defying the United States, coupled with supporting the Palestinians against Israel.
Paul Keating publicly championed the cause of a new flag during his term as prime minister, including on a state visit to Indonesia.
In personality and politics North was a liberal, publicly championing the cause of social justice for the agricultural labouring class.
Hasrat Mohani was not just a maverick when it came to publicly championing the radical thinking of Tilak.
He was also the first to publicly champion the phrase "United States of America."
Mr. Deeley publicly championed the Government's plan to equip Government offices with 500,000 telephones that would scramble telephone signals to prevent eavesdropping.