The resulting misnomer was printed on publicity posters as "Simply Red," and the name stuck.
A large easel on one of the tables held a publicity poster of Susan, and people had bordered it with flowers and sprigs of holly.
Launched by a wave of publicity posters with no details about the cast and crew, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa began its initial run in February 2009.
But even before the tour started there was a big row over its publicity poster, which was produced in Amsterdam.
Erm these are the these are our publicity posters.
And the shows emphasise the primacy of sound over sight at every opportunity - indeed, the publicity poster urges: "Leave Your Eyes at Home!"
It eventually commenced the initial shoot from 29 August 2011 with a photo shoot held and publicity posters were released the following week.
U-1-a 6004 was the subject of a 1924 publicity poster by C. Norwich.
In 1946, Moran moved to Hollywood though he had already painted many movie stars including Betty Grable, for publicity posters.
Triumph unexcitingly described the TR65 in their publicity poster as Performance With Economy.