Even as journals strive to better enforce their conflicts-of-interest disclosure rules, drug companies will strive to find or create other publication outlets that can communicate to physicians precisely what advertisers wish to communicate.
Diogenes aims to offer a publication outlet for scientific information and intellectual synthesis.
There is a consequent demand by scholars for peer-reviewed publication outlets.
Two years later, SRTF had secured the support of Texas Student Publications (now Texas Student Media, the University organization which houses all student media and publication outlets).
Published quarterly online, the NASPA Journal is the publication outlet for contemporary scholarship in student affairs administration, research, and practice.
Their career prospects, their contacts with foreign scholars, their publication outlets - all were controlled by a complex web of party bodies ultimately responsible to the Central Committee.
Seznec is a contributing author to several publication outlets including Foreign Policy, Jadaliyya, The Daily Star, and the Harvard International Review, and a frequent guest and interviewee for numerous media outlets.
He originally described the fledgling periodical as a "Black South Journal," whose function was to serve as a publication outlet for marginalized writers in the racially segregated US American South.
He finally offered it to John W. Campbell, the editor of Astounding Science Fiction, his preferred publication outlet.