Ministers were spinning when they said public-sector pensions were unaffordable: the state can afford them if it chooses.
Lord Hutton's proposals for public-sector pensions will also cut the cost.
Editorial: On the issue of public-sector pensions, the budget watchdog actually served not only to take some heat out of the debate - but to show up government ministers Continue reading...
My public-sector pension is paid for by a fully-funded pension scheme to which I and my employer contributed for thirty years.
The fight over public-sector pensions follows a movement to cut private sector pensions.
And the leader column says: The Labour Party has still to convince voters on the economy, public-sector pensions and immigration.
They stem from decisions made in Albany on tax cuts, public-sector pensions, Medicaid expansion and more, which shift costs to local governments.
Osborne thanks Lord Hutton, the former Labour minister, for his report on public-sector pensions.
But that is not an excuse to drag public-sector pensions into the gutter alongside the pensions of companies that are using any excuse to do their employees out of a decent pension.
It covers welfare and public-sector pensions, and accounts for more than we commit to public order, safety, housing, the environment, industry, agriculture, employment, defence, transport and personal social services added together.