He did, however, respond to written questions submitted through Howard J. Rubenstein Associates, a public-relations firm.
Back home in Chicago, he is given a job with a public-relations firm by the father of the man whose life he saved.
The wedding took place at the end of a six-week vacation in Asia, said a spokeswoman for Rogers & Cowan, a public-relations firm.
And it was not long, in 1968, at the age of 25, before he had founded Anametrics, a financial advisory and public-relations firm.
Angela Jamison owned a public-relations firm in North Carolina.
Enter National Union Fire Insurance, the first insurer to cover the hiring, if the need arises, of a public-relations firm for "crisis management."
He said he listened to advice from JaRon, who attends a community college, works at a public-relations firm and hopes for a career in coaching.
If you were going to hire a public-relations firm to do the media relations for an international event, it couldn't be done any better than this is being done.
She owned a public-relations firm specializing in artists, and over dinner she rhapsodized about the work of Jack Lientery.
"It is highly unusual to find out about a bequest from a public-relations firm," said Harold Holzer, the Met's chief communications officer.