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Then they came on PA system and said everyone needed to get out.
Why don't you just call me over your PA system?
One black mark was the standard of the PA system on the day.
PA system to enhance and promote demonstrations as they take place.
If it's a Pa system, lighting or any of the bits required to make these systems work, call us.
But he hadn't heard a code blue over the PA system yet.
A huge PA system will also be installed for music.
He had a thought and switched on the PA system.
PA system and high back luxury seats with safety belts.
I can't judge anything, the music and PA system are too loud.
That doesn't mean the news has to be broadcast over the school's PA system.
Various military activities were recorded, then played on powerful PA systems.
I have flown over half a million miles and never once heard this on the PA system.
And it has struck me that we might make use of the PA system.
Book, internet, newspaper, TV. use the pa system to share this information with the school community.
Eric turned up the PA system so the audience could really feel the music.
Try out the PA system on site; don't take the management's word that they'll do it for you.
Can you tell if this ship has an external PA system?
Seconds later, the code was announced over the hospital PA system.
An hour and forty-five minutes later, a male voice came over the PA system.
She tries to talk sometimes but she's harder to understand than our PA system.
Okay, people, the bus driver said over the PA system.
Also to allow direction over a PA system is clear and not fuzzy.
The band played on, however, as the PA system was still operational.
The pilot comes on the PA system and immediately tells you he is going to make up time.
He set up a public address system in his high school.
Suddenly, the conductor’s voice came on the public address system.
You'll hear my order on the public address system in a couple minutes.
One student told the story of being called over the public address system to report to the “special ed” office.
Just as he began his talk, the public address system failed.
Make sure that the public address system works in order for all to hear your ‘bon mots’! 21.
On the Internet his public address system is called artcontext.net.
And over the public address system, 14,528 employees were told their services would no longer be needed.
I went to the back room and called for the owner over the public address system.
He was ready to hit, but his name had not been announced over the public address system.
Once I even went on the public address system as the principal.
Someone on the public address system issues the next warning.
The idea is for high schools to have poetry read over their public address systems.
By 11am the public address system was announcing “baggage performance issues”.
Further instructions will be given over the public address system.
One day, he heard his name echo across the public address system.
The public address system had blown out with everything else.
Well get on the public address system and locate her.
The voice echoed from every public address system in the city.
The song is played over the public address system following each home victory.
Workers said they were told over a public address system that a bomb had been found inside.
Police say they are using the school's public address system to try to communicate with the men.
The voice coming through the public address system was familiar but yet so strange.
"Time to go home, folks," they called out over the public address system.
Suddenly, the silence is broken by the public address system.