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There was a public address system, as in high school.
Just as he began his talk, the public address system failed.
Someone on the public address system issues the next warning.
Once I even went on the public address system as the principal.
He was ready to hit, but his name had not been announced over the public address system.
The idea is for high schools to have poetry read over their public address systems.
One day, he heard his name echo across the public address system.
The public address system had blown out with everything else.
Workers said they were told over a public address system that a bomb had been found inside.
Just before ten an announcement was made over the public address system.
"Time to go home, folks," they called out over the public address system.
You'll hear my order on the public address system in a couple minutes."
"Be careful," one student leader said over a public address system.
Mike has been the public address announcer since the 1998 season.
Even her letters had the tone of a public address.
A new safety public address system was installed in early 2008.
He had rarely been called upon to make public addresses.
He wrote occasionally on political questions, and sometimes made public addresses.
The song is played over the public address system following each home victory.
"Folks, we have had a flight control problem up front here," one said over the public address system.
Suddenly, the silence is broken by the public address system.
The officer got on the public address system and said, "Attention students.
When only a dozen came, she rented a public address system.
"You might need to pull out the public address system.
This threat was issued by the army over the public address system.