As stated before, the public would no longer tolerate discrimination towards women.
The administration must get over the notion that the public will tolerate secrecy in the way this government makes policy decisions.
We don't do that, because it's wrong, and the American public wouldn't tolerate it.
But a number of other, perhaps more subtle factors now influence whether the public will tolerate private indiscretion from any given elected official.
"The public will not tolerate books being brought here only to be told they are not available," he added.
The public can tolerate the wait if the result is increased confidence in the election.
Another is that the public will tolerate the inefficiencies of a Government jobs program.
Theirs is the death toll our American public should not tolerate.
Diplomats say the country's political leaders have realized that the public will not tolerate further disorder.
"These marketing programs will work to the exact extent that the public will tolerate them," he said.