In 1927 the Yorkshire committee opened a public testimonial for Rhodes, donating £250 themselves; it eventually raised £1,821, worth more than £80,000 in 2010.
On retiring from the Governorship, he, Lady Daly and their daughter, Miss Daly, were honoured by public testimonials.
He later received a substantial public testimonial for his services at this time.
This he declined, on the ground that if he were an official his influence would be lessened; but in 1852 he accepted a public testimonial of £3,248.
It was a peculiarly upbeat gathering, given the terrible event that had just occurred, and I was grateful for the public testimonial to Bill.
In lieu of flowers, he offered a public testimonial to Dr. Dean: "I think he's nuts."
Although typically written in the first person, these pronouncements are public, general testimonials, not personal utterances.
A year later he was knighted, and in 1872 he received a public testimonial before a large audience at St James's Hall, London.
For his 'patriotic services' he was presented with a public testimonial in April 1821.
He returned to Europe in 1783, the bearer of many public testimonials of esteem.