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In this age both journalists and the public have tended to become extremely lax about the use and consumption of language.
Policy makers and the general public now tend to accept freer markets, rather than government intervention, as the way to increase prosperity.
"It's my personal observation that the public at large, between droughts and floods, tends to forget," Mr. Evenson said.
When a politician puts his party's interests ahead of the nation's interests, the American public tends to find such behavior irresponsible at best, unforgivable at worst.
Whatever the reason, the public that the police deal with clearly perceive it and tend to reinforce the divide.
The general public tends to believe that successful peace negotiations need a Nelson Mandela.
Further complicating matters, the American public tends to resist engaging with the physical problem of killing people.
The public don't tend to like politicians that are only interested in power for power's sake.
"The general public tends to be larcenous in certain areas."
"An educated public, a more knowledgeable public, tends to change its behavior," Mr. Dundore said.