Only California and Vermont have sweeping bans on public smoking.
In the 1980's, campaigns against drunken driving and public smoking reinforced the notion that Americans could no longer impinge on the safety of others.
The compromise would bring the country closer to its neighbors in curtailing public smoking.
Virginia, where tobacco has been king since Colonial times, has taken a major step toward limiting public smoking.
The compromise, worked out by the coalition government, would bring this country, Europe's biggest tobacco market, closer to its neighbors in curtailing public smoking.
The next step in the anti-tobacco campaign came in July 1943, when public smoking for persons under the age of 18 was outlawed.
To get more women to buy cigarettes in the 1920's, Bernays convinced feminists that public smoking was a sign of liberation.
Now might be the time for public smoking to be limited to smokers' bars.
The mounting drive to limit public smoking is complicating many personal relationships and creating some serious tensions in the nation's workplace.
In the world of bridge, as in society at large, arguments about public smoking have been going on for many years.