In last week's action, the American Medical Association urged the federal government to set up a public registry of trial results.
One common concern has been flaws in public registries and notification policies.
A Grundbuch like approach may well require that the electronic document of title be issued only by the public registry as an agent for the carrier.
The obstacles in the way of the public registry, are not technological, but legal and political.
In addition to requiring offenders to notify the authorities of their whereabouts, most states post public registries on the Internet.
Egypt's public registry cut the minimum loan size above which it collected data from $6,900 to $5,200.
In addition, the library is a public registry for development proposals in the Province of Manitoba.
Only a few companies have responded to the calls by some researchers for public registries.
One relates to the public registries and disclosure of information concerning investors in tax havens.
(Unlike an outright sale, leases did not require enrollment in a public registry.)