It had recently been subject to a very public naming and shaming after Oliver Letwin, then a prominent opposition spokesman, announced he would rather "beg" in the streets than send his children there.
To the Editor: Re "President Orders Full Cooperation in Leaking of Name" (front page, Oct. 1): As the Justice Department begins an investigation into the public naming of an undercover C.I.A. officer, one wonders why the columnist Robert D. Novak mentioned her in the first place.
The John Hour refers to the public naming of "johns" (male customers of female prostitutes).
It believes public namings can make it harder for such groups to operate and send a message to the criminal underground.
The subpoena was upheld even though neither Ms. Miller nor this newspaper had any involvement in the matter at hand - the public naming of an undercover agent.
Several witnesses have said he was the most aggressive official in pressing for the public naming of Dr. Kelly as the source for the BBC report.
A paedophile might feel ashamed of his actions, but whether he does or doesn't probably isn't heavily affected by his public naming.
This public naming would be his way of letting them know that it was O.K. to express what he regards as their true, conservative views, openly.
No one in the Council likes to rock the boat, but is it not time to do a bit more public naming and shaming when EU citizens, whose elected representatives are unfortunately not yet recognised by this Union, are being kept oppressed by one Member State?
The safety of the person's community, when it is feared that the public naming of a cardinal may lead to discrimination or hostility against Catholics and/or Christians in general.