New York's Experience If history is any guide, the rest of the country will be watching what happens with private and public initiatives here.
Many public initiatives were begun to save the bank (and thus the music hall) from closure.
As poverty increased in the 1800s, more private charities and public initiatives were created to deal with the issue.
The proposal was later defeated with public initiative to protect the remaining relatively wild rivers in the state.
They support any private and public initiatives to expand the private sector to create jobs.
The agency's most public initiative is a failed proposal to ban photography by straphangers.
Last year, a public initiative in Florida banned gestation crates.
In all three communities, perhaps 2,000 apartments will become available in the next few years through these public initiatives.
And we will not be able to overcome this crisis without strong public initiatives, which will require use of the budget.
The organization's major public initiatives these days also avoid mentioning guns.