National opinion polls routinely show widespread support for laws protecting wildlife and water quality, but property rights advocates assert that the public does not favor destroying the value of land without paying the owner.
And the public, as measured by television ratings, favors trashy gossip about the rich and famous, "magazine" exposes of skulduggery and hourly updates about a certain murder trial.
Even with this truce, the public still favored Alexander.
In Europe in the 19th century the general public had favored polygenism as many believed it conradicted the Genesis account and thus was more scientific than religious monogenism.
And they argue that the public still favors Democratic positions on issues, that Mr. Gore is better under pressure and that he will shine when the candidates meet in debates.
Even if there were a way to create tolls without expanding the footprint of the highway, stopping cars, or creating road hazards, though, the public still might not favor what amounts to an additional tax.
If it were to do so, the admission might have some salutary effect on the "get tough" attitude the public now favors for inmates.
These are the most widely discussed: Sin taxes The President has said he favors new taxes on tobacco and alcohol products, and opinion polls show that the public would favor such a step.
Polls Show Opposition The opposition in Congress is based in large part on opinion polls showing that the public does not favor such a step.
It's what the public, the advocacy groups and the market have favored for four years now.