Congress and politicians generally are at a low point in public esteem.
Yet there are few things Congress could do that would be more certain to win public esteem.
Rodriguez describes this live performance as perhaps Harrison's "high water mark of public esteem".
He lost that legislative fight but suffered little in public esteem as a man looking for fresh ways to engage the future.
"Jacksonians had to recognize that the Bank's standing in public esteem was high."
Since then beef, like so much else, has taken a few knocks in the public esteem.
They magnified the importance of popular education, and strengthened the schools in public esteem.
But if the unions are to raise themselves in public esteem, they need to lead the reform effort, not just follow it.
Raise the visibility of social work and enhance public esteem for the profession.
I fear for the integrity of, and public esteem for, this Court.