The parents were taken to the public cafeteria, where they were seated at tables far from the lobby.
In the 1970's, for example, the justices and the clerks were routinely seen eating in the Supreme Court's public cafeteria.
It comes from the Court's public cafeteria, the same fare available to anyone who visits the Court.
When they did consider cutting back, it was things like the public cafeteria.
In 1978 a government report stated that this service station had the largest public cafeteria in the United Kingdom.
Some other new facilities that are not in the existing courthouse include a 1,100-square-foot public cafeteria and an 870-square-foot child care center.
In the years following the opening of the hotel, the Mountain House was used as for employee housing and put into service as a public cafeteria.
There was once a time when I would eat in the public cafeteria to prove I wasn't afraid.
The state legalized abortion, and it made divorce progressively easier to obtain, whilst public cafeterias proliferated at the expense of private family kitchens.
The lower level (the highest of the floors in the base) includes a public cafeteria, the terrace cafe, and the photography galleries.