Meanwhile, those who look after London's public amusements were busy with telephone and telegraph.
Ten o'clock found me in some fashionable promenade or other place of public amusement.
The donation represents some public good and some public amusement.
We are not strong in other public amusements.
These two festivals among other things feature all kinds of masquredes for public amusement.
To the Editor: Shakespeare was indeed popular in the 19th century, before public amusements divided into "high" and "low" forms.
He became an architect and builder of places of public amusement.
Gladiatorial shows and Spanish bull-fights, at any rate, contributed to the public amusement, which certainly was not the case here.
It went into decline as a place of public amusement, and in May 1843 it was sold for 23,000 guineas.
Perhaps this is their chief reason for absenting themselves almost entirely from places of public amusement.