They were happy to have escaped for now a threat to their access to public airwaves.
Our representatives in Washington must find a way for the public airwaves to be used by candidates in all elections without charge.
But even more than the money, the issue of who would be given plum access to the public airwaves caused intense debate.
If we want to send him a message, we can do it over public airwaves.
What would be better, just letting the companies do whatever they want with public airwaves?
"It is a good beginning toward establishing a principle that the public airwaves should be used to give candidates direct access to the voters."
"A free broadcast network, available to all over the public airwaves, has different standards than media the public must pay to view," the statement said.
Bids were higher than expected at the nation's first auction for the right to use the public airwaves.
In the evening, Milošević took to the public airwaves to address the nation.
Broadcasters now sell access to something we own: our public airwaves.