He was strongly influenced in constructing his client-centered approach by the post-Freudian psychotherapeutic practice of Otto Rank.
Eugene Landy continued a successful medical psychotherapeutic practice with licensure in New Mexico and Hawaii up until his death.
From 1957 he worked simultaneously as teacher for emotionally disturbed children as well as receiving patients in his psychotherapeutic practice.
This has become known as the biographical method and now forms the mainstay of modern psychiatric and above all psychotherapeutic practice.
Internalized contradictions are routinely observed in psychotherapeutic practice.
Psychobabble terms are typically words or phrases which have their roots in psychotherapeutic practice.
Though usually viewed as predominantly spiritual in nature, elements of psychotherapeutic practice can be recognized in the entheogenic or shamanic rituals of many cultures.
Do you know, Caroline - I've spent years and years in psychotherapeutic practice.
From this moment on CMT was taught as a special method on congresses and was more and more represented in the psychotherapeutic practice.