Evolutionary psychologists recognize that these theories are all speculative and that much more evidence is required to understand how language might have been selectively adapted.
In this stage this is an important point as developmental psychologists recognize change in relations with parents, peers, and even their own self-identity.
Occasionally, woman-centred psychologists recognize that their notion of an essential feminine subjectivity is problematic.
Even in the earliest years of the discipline, educational psychologists recognized the limitations of this new approach.
Environmental psychologists recognise that human behaviour is influenced by the physical setting in which it occurs.
On the other hand, the psychologist also recognised how the scope for his own intervention was restricted by the school's actions.
The psychologist recognizes Marco as a former university student colleague and tells her that he is a doctor.
But psychologists I spoke with, male and female, instantly recognized it.
Consequently the most conservative psychologists must recognize its existence and try to observe its characteristics.
Many psychologists not necessarily pursuing the paranormal, such as Susan Blackmore, have recognized this, and seek its biological cause.