She lived this transgressive life, she says, for many years, thinking it was true liberty, but its actual effect on her was to leave her psychologically vulnerable and without protection.
Nolting asserted that Mecklin was psychologically vulnerable to being brainwashed because he had recently split with his wife.
Their functioning becomes precarious and psychologically vulnerable.
Why blame beauty when it might be nothing more than a reaction in certain psychologically vulnerable people to being packed like sardines in an unfamiliar place?
The young, psychologically vulnerable Peyton is attached to her father, but finds her mother, Helen, emotionally remote and oppressive.
The elimination trials have no mercy for the technologically impaired, or the psychologically vulnerable.
The seemingly personal solicitations can also prove seductive to the psychologically vulnerable.
Also, as noted therein, many of those seeking cosmetic surgery suffer from depression and are psychologically vulnerable:
Their visits to posttraumatic stress disorder counselors rose in number after the film's release, and many counselors advised "'more psychologically vulnerable'" veterans to avoid watching it.
And not only is it psychologically vulnerable, its structures are vulnerable too.