But to take a child away from his mother could psychologically damage both of them; there seems to be no reason to do this.
Court action was expensive, time consuming and might be psychologically damaging for the families of the patients involved.
A story about a psychologically damaged male character who was made to wear pink dresses as a child.
How could they speculate that only children become psychologically damaged when my friends and I had grown up very happily?
The "ideal mother" image can be psychologically and emotionally damaging to mothers.
Our own daughter, Amy, was psychologically damaged when we lost our farm.
Deeply damaged psychologically, she attempts to change her identity and seek revenge.
Poncelet was so psychologically damaged by his decision, he committed suicide a few days later.
They are often very badly injured and psychologically damaged.
One psychologically damaged and possibly beyond redemption, and another who simply knew no other life.