That sounds like an excursion into the territory Method acting made famous - the psychological underpinnings of characters and what they do.
The psychological underpinnings of these popular books are hardly "new," I tell the students.
And the psychological underpinnings give this picture a charged emotional atmosphere.
Figuring out the psychological underpinnings of your own stupidity was easy.
It has far more sound psychological underpinnings than other movies of its type.
The psychological underpinnings give this picture a charged emotional atmosphere.
Instead, viewers sort out for themselves the complex psychological underpinnings, and the value of Renfrew's tough-love approach.
But even as the short story gained greater plot complexity, it still remained devoid of any real psychological underpinnings.
"It's not a musical in which characters discuss their psychological underpinnings," he says.
Some genuinely try to understand the psychological underpinnings that make being without a car such an unhappy experience.