She journeys into the psychological subtleties of man-woman relationship.
Ribera's work gained in psychological subtlety, most obviously in his deeply touching portrait of a Jesuit missionary.
But Shakespeare in 118 conjures flights of new metaphors and psychological subtleties from the stereotype.
These psychological subtleties increase the probability that spectators will believe the illusion:
He attributes its success to feminism or, more specifically, to "its entry into the psychological subtlety with which Homer presents women."
This may partly be because Jim Caviezel, who plays Jesus, is not an actor of great psychological subtlety.
A great Elvira must convey emotional turmoil and the story's psychological subtleties through the intense expressivity of her singing.
"Then perhaps," Wasserman murmured, "one of our Rebel mavens who is adept at psychological subtleties might carefully sound the little momzer out."
But Mr. le Carre has also tried to endow the book with psychological subtlety and political relevance.
And now, in a display of psychological subtlety, Delia is engaged to Eric, a man whose mother also had a drinking problem.