She is clear-sighted about the byzantine emotional arithmetic of her family and the psychological fallout of her parents' penchant for emotional circumlocution.
So accomplish their vagary would be a bad psychological fallout.
The most recent government data, from 2009, may not even do justice to the true psychological fallout from the state's misfortunes.
The psychological fallout has stung the most.
While it's hard to imagine a more literally intact, home-schooling-style family than the Nelsons, its psychological fallout was lethal.
"We as a people still have a lot of psychological fallout from slavery and all this backlash from the Bush-Reagan years," she added.
The psychological fallout will continue long after the physical losses.
It's also about the resilience and humour of family and friends as they too deal with the psychological fallout.
Spiotta's stunning second novel, about the dissolution of 1970s radicalism, looks at the psychological and practical fallout from two people's attempts to reinvent themselves.
By effectively diagnosing and treating attention deficits and related symptoms before emotional scarring occurs, we can minimize and ultimately eradicate the psychological fallout for individuals and so-ciety.