Almost by the month, the man showed signs of psychological deterioration.
Managed by "C.J.", the company was in a financial nosedive which reflected Perrin's own psychological deterioration, and went bankrupt not long after Perrin's departure.
Amnesty International condemned the conditions in that unit as "deliberately and gratuitously oppressive" and as causing physical and psychological deterioration.
The prisoners all suffered serious psychological and physical deterioration and were in a state of constant fear.
The second act chronicles Isaac's psychological deterioration after he loses control of the business.
That is, the damage caused by the altered holosuites is upon their unfortunate users, manifested in severe psychological deterioration and consequent externalizing of violent and self-destructive impulses.
This was not about class or ethnicity: It was about the inevitable psychological deterioration that results from daily exposure to the same, small group of diabolically annoying people.
A system which prevents or hinders the free movement of people must therefore be excluded, as must the European citizens' fear of ageing or physical or psychological deterioration.
Sawyer and I have been theorizing a psychological deterioration.
His psychological deterioration resumed.