Positive freedom is freedom from inhibition: it's the power gained by transcending social or psychological constraints.
It is a universe that many of us imagine we might inhabit if we kicked off social and psychological constraints and acted out our wildest fantasies.
Thus Polo conceives freedom not as sheer spontaneity, autonomous independence or lack of physical and psychological constraints, but in a new an unexpected sense: as being radically open to other beings.
He adopted the tag Nunca to signify a rebellion against psychological and cultural constraints.
But today's youth - those born in the 1980's - never experienced either the shortages or the psychological constraints of the country's socialist, Soviet-oriented past, he said.
It's just a psychological constraint.
I was not aware of the need for informed consent nor the prohibition of the use of any physical or psychological constraint in patients or relatives.
Jackson (2005) uses the concept of 'bounded rationality' to explain how individuals' decision making processes are 'bounded' by psychological and environmental constraints.
Thus, ego depletion could be conceptualized as a psychological constraint necessary to safeguard precious resources that might be needed in emergency situations in the future.
"They have done their utmost in a very complex and complicated situation under very difficult psychological constraints."