It also has a psychological appeal, acting as a kind of miniature hearth.
Recognizing the different psychological appeals of easy and difficult puzzles, The Times introduced both side by side on June 20, 2005.
But its ever-increasing efficiency in performing this task, and its awesome ability to strike home from long range, have given it tremendous psychological appeal.
By incorporating water, breezes, vistas, shadows, and heat into their work, the psychological appeal is impressive and undeniable.
The survival value of the god meme in the meme pool results from its great psychological appeal.
To them it is not good enough to say that the idea of a god has 'great psychological appeal'.
They want to know why it has great psychological appeal.
The Big Crunch, in which the universe shrinks to an infinitely dense, infinitely hot point, lacked psychological appeal.
To account for this doctrine, they point out its psychological appeal to our deepest fears and hopes; to explain it, they offer symbolic interpretations.
It does little to open drains, but is added for psychological appeal.