He lasted only months, discharged, according to law enforcement officials, for psychiatric reasons.
Through the end of April, 1,118 Army men and women had been evacuated from Iraq for psychiatric reasons, according to official statistics.
But the letter was misleading in giving the impression that Mr. Jackson had been retired for psychiatric reasons.
Through the end of September, the Army had evacuated 885 troops from Iraq for psychiatric reasons, including some who had threatened or tried suicide.
Parrott had been discharged from the U.S. Air Force for psychiatric reasons in 1959.
Esenin-Volpin was free from conscription due to "psychiatric" reasons.
A doctor referred Andrew, who had been hospitalized repeatedly for psychiatric reasons, to Elmcrest Hospital the same day.
The awarding of pensions to men discharged for psychiatric reasons made the possibility of faking a central issue.
More recent studies have shown that in self-help groups for serious mental illness approximately 60% (55%-75%) of members had been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons.
"This changed sharply after the war," he said, "with the country startled by the number of service rejections and military discharges for psychiatric reasons."