His own research has focused on the neuroscientific foundations of motivated behaviors, psychiatric genetics, epidemiology, and neuropsychiatry.
Kenneth S. Kendler is an American psychiatrist best known for this pioneering research in psychiatric genetics, particularly the genetic causes of schizophrenia.
Later he worked on psychiatric genetics and genomics.
In fact, the field of psychiatric genetics has only begun to emerge from a slump in which a number of wolves turned out to be dogs.
Modern scientific psychiatry, psychopharmacology, psychiatric genetics, environmental physics, and modern sociology were introduced as scientific disciplines by Heidelberg faculty.
Currently, the largest branch of human behavioural genetics is psychiatric genetics which studies phenotypes such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and alcoholism.
After completing his post-doctoral fellowship at Brown, Faraone came to the Harvard Department of Psychiatry where he began a career in psychiatric genetics.
Two types of heterogeneity have been identified in association with psychiatric genetics: casual and clinical.
Linkage, association, and microarray studies generate raw material for findings in psychiatric genetics.
The Fund focused on research particularly in the fields of psychiatric genetics, pediatric bipolar disorder, neuroimaging and neurosciences.