Recent psychiatric classifications refer to the syndrome as dependency psychotic disorder or induced delusional disorder, although the research literature largely uses the original name.
Categories, dimensions and prototypes: Critical issues for psychiatric classification.
Philosophy of psychopathology is mainly involved in the epistemological reflection about the implicit philosophical foundations of psychiatric classification and evidence-based psychiatry.
He wrote extensively on the thorny problems of psychiatric classifications, psychopathology and the causation of mental illness.
In the 20th Century, with the interest in psychoanalytic writing, "major depression" became the principal class in psychiatric classifications.
We hasten to add that we adopt the above procedure without any deep reverence for psychiatric classification as such or for the psychiatric form of describing the person.
Cross-cultural psychiatry looks at whether psychiatric classifications of disorders are appropriate to different cultures or ethnic groups.
While catatonic schizophrenia is only identified as a symptom of schizophrenia in present psychiatric classifications, it is increasingly recognized as a syndrome with many faces.
Despite being pejorative, in its day the term was considered, along with idiot, imbecile, and moron, to be a relatively precise psychiatric classification.
Joseph Guislain published his Traité sur les phrénopathies in 1833, in which he proposed a new form of psychiatric classification.