His mix of California car culture, cinematic apocalypticism, and film noir helped to create a new genre of psychedelic imagery.
Hippies (denim, T-shirts, long hair, flower power and psychedelic imagery, flared trousers)
Advertising promoted the system as a paradigm shift from past consoles; some pieces used cavemen to indicate a historical evolution, while others utilized psychedelic imagery.
Despite changes in performance method, the Orb maintained its colourful light shows and psychedelic imagery in concert.
In the 1970s, English moved away from psychedelic imagery towards Hyper Realist work, employing airbrush.
The Hoagiefest ad campaign relied on a style very reminiscent of The Beatles, using 1960s psychedelic imagery and songs.
The vocals might be harried or serene; lyrics veer from psychedelic imagery to direct language like "Why can't I see an easier way?"
In 1967-69 he used Super 8mm to create psychedelic imagery for the light shows at the Boston Tea Party club.
The album as a whole is characterized by a mix of psychedelic and religious imagery.
Written in the form of an open letter to an old school friend, the song had a strong pacifist message as well as psychedelic imagery.