When he said that, I thought it a prudent precaution.
As long as very prudent medical precautions are taken.
Accordingly, you are instructed to take all reasonable and prudent precautions within your area of responsibility.
This connecting link was doubtless a prudent precaution, but not by any means unattended with danger.
While we remained on shipboard, your prudent precautions stayed my hand.
Absolutely," Mark said, "but with some prudent precautions.
So, it is time for a refresher on viruses and the simple, prudent precautions you can take to minimize the chances of your computer becoming infected.
That would be a prudent precaution.
It began to seem to him a prudent precaution to acquire merit for his soul as quickly as possible.
Six months ago, when such emergency measures began, it looked like a prudent precaution.